On-Going Professional Learning

“Members recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.”

– Ontario College of Teachers

As an educator having on-going professional learning is essential. It is important to stay updated and educated on the newest updates to your field. Due to this taking part in workshops and online learning is important. Throughout my education completing additional Below are some of the workshops or further learning I have currently completed. 


I took French all through my high school years. At the end of my four years, I was given the opportunity to take the DELF test. When taking this test I chose to do the level A2. While taking French taught me essential tools and strategies that I will be able to use in the future when teaching. I can use these strategies and tools when teaching other subjects as well, not only French. These strategies include ways to sound out words to figure out the spelling, ways to figure out what a word means and ways to pronounce new words. As an educator, I strive to be able to use these strategies in my classroom and future teaching.

ECERS Training

During my time at St. Clair College, I completed my ECERS training. this training included using the grading tool used when marking a classroom’s setup. It also allowed us to give recommendations on how the room could be improved with specific details. This training allowed me to see how an Early Childhood Education room should be set up. It also demonstrated what tools should be provided to students and when. This will help me in my future practice teaching and future career as it allowed me to see and engage in the grading process for each room.

CCEYA Testing

During my time at St. Clair College, I completed the CCEYA testing. This testing was on the regulations and rules in Early Childhood Education centers. this training includes ratios, equipment, staff regulations and many more. This training allowed me to read and understand the regulations and rules involved in an Early Childhood Education Center. when taking this test I was able to make a connection between the testing and my previous learning. In my future teaching, this testing will help me be sure if I am in an Early Childhood Education center that the rules and regulations are followed and completed correctly.

Apple Teacher Training

While at the University of Windsor I completed my Apple Teacher training. This training was an optional course provided to us by one of my professors. I completed this course on an Ipad, as the training can only be done on an Ipad or Macbook. The training shows multiple different applications and how to use each application. There were several different modules to be completed, each focusing on a different application. As I went through each module I followed along using my Ipad, completing the tasks that were directed.
This training also gave participants the option to complete the “Swift” training also. This training used an app called “Swift” which is a coding app for children. Many schools now use this app to help future students learn knowledge of coding and how to create code. This app helped me begin to gain a better understanding of how coding works and how the app would teach students this important information. As a future teacher skills such as how to use an Ipad effectively not only help myself but also my future students. I now know how to incorporate these tools into the classroom, as well as how to teach my students to use these tools.

Commit to Kids Online Training

While at the University of Windsor I completed my Commit to Kids online training. This training was provided by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. The training took several hours to complete and was a part of our alternative practicum requirements. The training provided me with a deeper understanding of the dangers of sexual abuse. The training displayed and explained behaviours that would be attributed to sexual abuse. It also provided me with the tools and resources to use if a student discloses abuse to me.
This training is essential for Teacher Candidates to take. As future teachers, we must be aware of how to handle these situations and how to see abuse before it is disclosed. This training has provided more insight into these situations and has provided us with the knowledge we will need as future teachers.