Olive Grove

Okayy so in this post, you shall see a bunch of photos of my first class trip here in Italy in which one of my professor (who name is Giulia Munday) took us to a real live Olive Grove where we got to single handily be immersed into some real life Italian culture. This place is where we got to meet some amazing people, including artists who got to show off some of their work (as you can see in the first three pictures) relative to the theme of the event (which was suppose to be the garden of Eden). In the first picture, I thought it was interesting to understand the apple’s message which is suppose to represent the combination between two words (meaning Melassegno as “I bring it onto myself”).

Also, in the last two photos, you can see the beautiful olive trees and the field where the olives (which were currently growing) would be picked in the later season to generate the olive oil that is sold today. In Italy, everything is prided upon fresh and organic healthy foods and olives is one of the forms of foods Italians very take seriously. Furthermore, as can be seen with the last photo, is the picture of the table we all wined and dined at, where we were instantly become welcomed and taken in as if we were Italians ourselves.

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