A Graffiti Wall

Our class went on a graffiti walk one afternoon to explore the city’s decorated walls. This wall stuck out to me because it made me laugh. It made me realize that graffiti doesn’t need to be serious or beautiful, but it can be humorous. The artist used up the space on the wall brilliantly, filling the wall up with interesting elements. I found this wall very entertaining.

A side of a wall downtown.

A side of a wall downtown.


Hannah Gottschalk


This photograph was taken by the artist Hannah Gottschalk, in New York. I came across her work on the blogging site Tumblr. The way that she used film without editing to create such a surreal piece caught my eye. I was inspired by her to continue pursuing non-edited photography.

Before seeing her images, I had been wanting to try taking photos with projected images. With hers coming out so beautifully, I was encouraged to try it myself. For my final project in high school I experimented with self-portraits with projected patterns. Here is one of my own photographs:

Naomi Rose

Naomi Rose