1. What are some consequences of plagiarism?
At the University of Windsor, as per Senate Bylaw 31, there are several consequences that students may face because of academic dishonesty:
- acknowledgement by letter of apology/reflection,
- admonition,
- censure,
- community service,
- denial of registration,
- educational session/workshop,
- expulsion,
- mark/grade reduction,
- repeat work for assessment,
- rescinding degree, and
- suspension
2. How can I avoid cheating? What are some tips to avoid plagiarism?
- Plan well in advance
- Reading and Notetaking (Tips for effective Notetaking; Strategic Notetaking)
- Using citation and references
- Consult with your instructor (e.g., for clarity and/or deadline extension as the case may be)
- Revision and proofreading
- Citation Tools (e.g., EndNote or Zotero)
NOTE: If you are not sure or need assistance about academic writing, consult with the Writing Support Desk.