Venice Biennale

The Venice Biennale was the art show of art shows, and has given me hope for the art world. I generally like historic art much more than contemporary, but this has opened my eyes to a whole new world. Researching and learning about the artists before hand helped a lot. We were interested in the art because we knew about it and we could look forward to seeing an artist we had mad presentations on. We also researched artists we didnt like though, so when we saw their work we at least understood it – Art is much more fun when you understand what the artist is trying to tell you. Some artists dont need that though, and their art speaks for itself and at the biennale we encountered a lot of that – this is the biennale after all these are some esteemed artists. I think to be a truly succsfull artist your work should be able to speak for itself without you as a narrator. and should be comprehend-able by the non art world.

Biennale - outsid

Biennale – outsid


Russian pavilion

Russian pavilion

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The Russian pavilion was one I think we were all looking forward to. This entire pavilion was dedicated to telling one story – the story of Danae and the golden shower and it is a story many of us are familiar with – if not the myth than other artists portrayals of this scene. It was also interactive and i think that made it more enjoyable too, because it wasnt just yourself standing there looking at this sculpture or painting. It was all around you and you got to physically be apart of it.


shari boyle

shari boyle

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The Canadian pavilion (and yes i know im sorry for saying this) was surprisingly good. I was  not expecting that much from my own countries pavilion, and i should have looked further into her work. It was dream-like, fantasy land and slightly grotesque – but all of these made it easy to lose yourself looking at the work.




United Kingdom

United Kingdom





The Isreali pavilion was probably one of my favourites of the whole thing. The whole pavilion told one story, but in different ways and in different segments. If you stayed in their long enough you realized that everything was connected with each other in the pavilion and there was a reason for everything in there because it related to the story somehow. Something like that takes a lot of planning and precision and detail and time, and I really respect that. The realization after a few minutes of being in their was a cool experience. similar to when you are working on something and its just doesn’t look like anything for the longest time but then finally you finish one part of it and its like eureka! it all makes sense, it all looks good.




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Latina pavilion

Latina pavilion


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