Siena : A pleasant surprise

A little while ago we made a day trip to siena, its only about 2 hours away from Volterra. Most of us wernt really expecting much out of the trip: We didnt really know much about siena so we figure we go and check it out for a day anyways. I was pleasantly surprised! Siena far surpassed my expectations. It’s just a big enough city to feel lively, but not overrun with tourists. I only wish I were there for the Palio.
Piazza del campo


While we were there, we payed to get into the cathedral, the baptistery, up onto the old abandoned part of the church that is now a bridge in the piazza and one of the museums. This was the first time i had actually been into a cathedral in Italy, and it was absolutely breathtaking. It was so grand, and full of art work. One of the things i love about Italy is they found a way to make everything a piece of art – Even the floors you walk on.




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Picture from on top of the bridge at the cathedral, here you can see the main piazza.



An interesting bit about Siena, is all of the contrada’s that are there (Small communities or neighborhoods, that the city is divided into). These contradas are a pretty serious business in Siena, because of the Palio. Your contrada depends on what neighborhood your family is from or where you grew up, and stay with you for life no matter where you move within Siena. Above is one of the contrada symbols marking that part of the city.

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The shell shaped main piazza, this is where the palio is held on an annual basis.

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