Coding with Bee-Bots for Kindergarten
During my second practicum, where I was placed in a Kindergarten class in London, Ontario, I wanted to begin teaching the student coding. From the summer conference at the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, I learned that computational thinking can be introduced at the Kindergarten level. Therefore, I taught a class about sequential directional programing, simply put, using arrows to move an object to an end objective. Then, I introduced Bee-Bots (Programmable Bee Robots) into a learning center. It was amazing to see how the learning progressed for the students.
Service Learning Project
For my service-learning project, I developed a podcast on ClassDojo. I worked with a team of colleagues where we went into an analysis of what educators need to be aware of when using this technology. The benefits of the program, pedagogical concerns, and a data privacy analysis. I was in charge of writing the script and voice acting on the podcast. Please visit the Open Page from University of Windsor.
Please listen to the podcast by clicking the following link: