Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR)

TPSR Certificate

On January 14, 2016 as a part of the Leadership Experience for Academic Direction course at the University of Windsor I was able to participate in the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Workshop hosted by Ryan Essery. This workshop consisted of gaining knowledge of the background into what makes up the TPSR model and how to incorporate it into cross curricular content areas. I was able to understand how teaching personal and social responsibility in the classroom gives students valuable skills that can be transferred to so many aspects of their lives. Students who learn to follow a TPSR model are able to improve self-behavior, cooperation, self-direction and are ultimately more caring towards other people. This model workshop demonstrated that teaching students transferable skills is a key part of education.

Following the information session, the teacher candidates experienced what a typical TPSR activity would be. We participated in team based games and ice-breaker activities. In doing the activities used in the TPSR model, I was able to understand and see the full effects that TPSR has on students. The team building games require social skills, teamwork, cooperation, communication and ultimately caring for the other team members for the purpose of completing the activity.  I, myself, learned how to cooperate with peers and had a fun time while doing this activity.

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