Student Teacher Feedback Forms

As a means of assessing myself and gaining feedback from students I created a survey that I handed out at the end of my practicum placements. The students anonymously answered questions about my pedagogy and gave critical feedback about how they felt I was doing as a teacher candidate.

Many were positive and many were kind, however a few stood out. These examples I’ve included are students who genuinely responded to my practice as a teacher and allowed me to grow. As you will see, one student notes that they did not know my name. This took me aback and allowed me to realize that being more personal and personable with students creates a greater reward. I will continue to seek student feedback as those are the ones who gain the most from my experience as a teacher candidate.

I believe it is important to always continue to grow as an educator and gaining feedback is an excellent way to adjust and altar your pedagogy and style to please students and ultimately improve learning and school conditions.

Miss Robinet Feedback Forms

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