Teaching Philosophy

As I continue to grow and evolve as a teacher, my philosophy continues to change as well. My educational philosophy is ever-changing and growing as I continue my journey as a pre-service teacher.



As an educator, I believe that every students enter the classroom with their own unique qualities and attributes. I recognize that students come from a variety of social, economic, and racial backgrounds and  I work towards using that as a tool to enhance learning. Differences in the classroom allow for a setting where learning everyday is a new experience. I value a sense of empathy and understanding when it comes to recognizing each student’s individuality. Students are more than just a number or a name on a class list, they are human beings and I think they need to be treated as such. Students have such unique personalities that make the classroom environment special. I believe that the best way to encourage learning is to lead by example. Respect and trust are necessary for a classroom to function and I give students my respect and trust in hopes that they feel at ease reciprocating the feelings.

I strive to make myself accessible to students both during class time and after class. Holding an open-door policy will ensure that students feel safe and at ease in my classroom. I believe the classroom should be an environment in which students feel safe and included. I believe in making myself available and flexible to suit the students needs as they come first. When there is a rapport and connection with the student their learning experience is heightened.

Students at the high school level learn not only valuable skills that are useful in the classroom but can be transferred into real life experiences. Students are at an age where they are in a mode of transition in their lives. They are discovering who they are or deciding who they want to be. They are experiencing changing friendships and relationships and discovering their own identity. The classroom should be a place where students are able to feel the ease of the burdens and constrains of other social pressures. I encourage concepts and behaviours within the classroom to be brought into the real world and applied to outside experiences. Social aspects such as communication and empathy are also skills students can benefit from. I encourage social interactions and conversations in the classroom so students can feel comfortable discussing their thoughts, views, and opinions in a non-confrontational way.

Being an English teacher primarily, I appreciate the value of literacy. Reading and writing are key skills that are used in everyday workplaces, which is why they are such valuable skills. Having literacy skills are essential to becoming a diverse individual and they open up many opportunities for students as they grow. Many career paths that students will take require good literacy skills and as a teacher I  ensure that each student has a competency and confidence in reading and writing. Literacy also allows for students to explore creative elements. Giving students some freedom with writing creates a classroom environment that promotes personal growth and development. Creative writing encourages imagination and creates an emotional outlet for students who are at a fundamental stage in their lives. Creative writing and freedom of expression allows students to be who they are without constraint. Adequate literacy skills can help defeat poverty as it opens gateways to jobs and careers that can ultimately improve the quality of living.

My experience being a student in classroom I valued feeling accepted and safe. Having a classroom that had a similar feeling to being at home made going to school an enjoyable and memorable experience. Being given the freedom of expression within the classroom made me feel like I could express my thoughts in a non-judgmental environment. Entering the classroom I did not feel ostracized but instead felt welcome and accepted by my teacher and peers. This sense of belonging really inspired me to be a teacher and continues to push me to create a similar environment for my students. Students deserve to be given chances to succeed and learn in a style that suits their needs, not the majority.

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