Below are certificates I have earned! Most of them have been free knowledge enhancing courses, because I love to learn and my thirst for knowledge is insatiable!
This course was a lot of fun to take! I have always been interested in learning languages, but do not seem to have the knack for learning new ones. I though taking this course would enhance my ability to teach language to native speakers, English Language Learners and open opportunities up for myself to work abroad! Adding this tool to my tool box can only benefit my students and increase my ability to express my passion for the English language!
This course was recommended in one of my BeD courses, and I am so glad I learned about it. Before I took this course I wan anti-technology in the classroom. However, I see the benefits of using it as an educational device. Which is how I plan to use it in the classroom! Use it as a way to enhance student learning and their content knowledge.
This course was about how expensive coffees are usually more ethical. When the the coffee is more expensive for the customer, it generally means the coffee bean farmers are getting a fair rate. In Italy coffee is seen as a “hit and run” kind of beverage, where as in North America and the United States and coffee is seen as a social beverage.
This course was very brief in it’s child psychology, and most of it I already knew from doing my own research and a course I’m taking for my BeD! It was still interesting though, I love learning about the mind and how different trauma’s or experiences can shape them. As well as how I can help students rewrite negative or toxic narratives they tell themselves, either because of some trauma, or another reason. We all have a little voice that tells us we are no good, it’s fine time we tell it to buzz off!
A course on sustainability, and how to effectively “eat for the environment” without causing too much fossil fuels and green house gases. Vegetarianism was encouraged and growing your own food, as well as using glass jars and beeswax wraps when possible.