This video on trust discusses how it is inclining as well as declining. Through the increase in technology people have begun to trust strangers more than they trust corporations. This “trust leap” can be scary, but it can also lead to the experience of a lifetime. Instead of becoming stuck from a lack of trust, we need to become empowered by “trust leaps”. Of course, we still need to take precautions when dealing with people or situations. However, being afraid of experiencing experiences because of a fear of trust, or some other fear actually disables us. Trust yourself and your knowledge enough to take a leap.
This resembles a notion I have towards teaching. I firmly believe in experiential learning. Students needs to experience different situations and curriculum in various ways, in order to trust themselves enough to try. Which in turn becomes a self belief of “I can do it”, “not yet, but eventually”. This notion increases student agency as well as work ethic, as well as goal oriented learning.