Monthly Archives: February 2014

“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.”- Van Gogh

Just a quick little quote by my favourite artist of all time, Vincent Van Gogh. As a child I used to take art classes at our town’s Art Gallery (they often focused on a single artists or a theme, and consisted of only a couple of weeks). Van Gogh was one of the artists we learned about, I must have been around the age of 7 at the time, and all I remember is being blown away by his work. As I have progressed through the years I’ve felt a connection to this quote. Art works really are extensions of the artist:  each one will have a different emotion, feeling, and thought. I hope other’s can relate to losing one’s mind to their work.(Quick side note: I’m just going to recommend if you do like Van Gogh, to watch a Doctor Who episode called “Vincent and The Doctor” ) vincent-and-the-doctor

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Welcome to my site

To catch everyone up, this site is to show my progression as an artist. I am currently at the University of Windsor double majoring in both Visual arts and Psychology. This website will showcase work from both my painting and intaglio (digital/traditional) classes. I will take you through my crazy process, and occasionally upload photos or other works of art that inspire me.