Anti-Bullying Activities

Bullying Scenarios

Notre Dame Catholic Elementary

AT – Mrs. Erin Sementilli

November/December 2022

During this placement in the Grade 8 class, the students completed an activity that delt with role-play. Each group of 4 got a bullying scenario that they were to quickly act out in front of the class. After they presented their scenario, as a class we came up with possible solutions for the situations. This allowed students to see the variety of types of bullying and also collaborate towards solutions. This helps them build resilience and coping mechanisms that are useful towards other occurrences. They learn to treat others with respect and help those in need.

Bullying PSA

Notre Dame Catholic Elementary

AT – Mrs. Erin Sementilli

November/December 2022

As the next step, the Grade 8’s learned how to spread awareness of important topics through PSA’s. It also shows proactive methods others can take if this problem starts to happen to them. As the leaders of the school this shows them to act as peacekeepers in their community.