Tarot cards

  • Tarot cards and other divination tools (such as runes, crystal balls and scrying mirrors) are often part of a Witch’s magical practice. Tarot cards and runes may be incorporated into spellwork. For example, a Moon card may be displayed on the alter whenever a full moon spell is underway.

Candle magick

  • Perfect starting point for beginners. As the candle burns it disappears, leaving the material plane and joining the ethereal one, carrying with it the message of intention. This physical example of transformation is particularly useful to beginning magicians, who can use it to help them visualize the manifestations process

Herbal magick

  • Can be used to create magical crafts, such as spell jars, dream pillows, poppets, sachets and other charms. Some people create their own incense and oils with herbs, which adds even more magical power to their work.


  • An ancient ritual tool that draws on the aromatic powers of herbs, spices, oils, resins, and tree barks to create a sacred atmosphere and state of mind conducive to communicating with the spirit world. Often burned during rituals, and spellwork.

Magickal oils

  • A staple component of ritual and magical practice for many wiccans. Essential oils are often used in the creation of incense, and are excellent for use in candle magic and charm-making. Anything can be enhanced by the use of oils.

Crystal magick

  • Crystals are seen to be “alive”, as they impart healing energy to people, animals, and even plants. The power of crystals and other mineral stones is the same power inherent in other natural phenomena, such as the wind or a flowing river. They are conduits of energy.

Wicca Living (2019). A beginner’s guide to the wiccan religion. Retrieved from http://wiccaliving.com/what-is-wicca/

There has been a link attached below for “Wicca Book of Spells” which is an extraordinary book for beginner Wiccan’s. 
