Wiccan Beliefs

Since Wicca is very decentralized, they are many different beliefs. Wiccans can be theists, atheists, and agnostic. Theism is where someone believes in a god, atheism is when someone does not believe in a god, and agnosticism is where someone believes there is nothing to be known or can be known about a god. Wiccans can also be animistic where they believe every human, tree, animal, stream, rock, and other forms of nature has a divine spirit within. All deities are viewed as forms of ancient pre-Christian divinities (The Celtic Connection, 2019). 

Within theism, there is monotheism (one god), duotheism (two gods), polytheism (multiple gods), and pantheism. Pantheism is the belief that the divine is in everything and everywhere, the universe is the same as divinity and all forces are a superior being . The most common beliefs is duotheism, where Wiccans believe in a god and goddess (The Celtic Connection, 2019).

The god has many forms including the sun god, sacrificed god, vegetation god. These are all elaborating on various facets of the horned god’s nature. The most popular god is the horned god. He is the life force energy in animals and wild and is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, life cycle. He is also the lord of death where he is their comforter and consoler after death and before reincarnation. Lastly, the horned god rules the Summerland. The Sumemrland is a place where the souls of the dead stay and await rebirth (Wright, 2017).


The goddess is known as the triple goddess of the moon or the mother goddess. She is associated with both the Earth and the Moon. She represents the grounded, physical energy that allows all life to take root and flourish, and is associated with domesticated animals, field and crops. Her energy is nurturing and tender. In her association with the Moon, she rules the night and the ocean tides, as well as the reproductive cycles of women and the realm of the human psyche. Anyone who has ever felt the mysterious effects of the full moon or even a new moon has experienced the power of the Goddess. There are 3 forms of the goddess, each being represented by the different shapes of the moon. The first one is the maiden form. This form is known for enchantment, inception, expansion, promise of new beginnings, birth, youthful enthusiasm. The maiden is represented by the waxing moon. The second form is the mother. This form is known for ripeness, fertility, sexuality, fulfillment, stability, power and life. The mother is represented by the full moon. The last form is the crone. This form is known for wisdom, repose, death, endings, and is represented by the waning moon (Wright, 2017).

It is very important to know that both the god and goddess are equal to each other (Wright, 2017).


The Celtic Connection. (2019). What is wicca.  Retrieved from https://wicca.com

Wright, M. (2017). Who are the wiccan horned god and triple goddess? Exemplore. Retreived from                       https://exemplore.com/wicca-witchcraft/Wicca-for-Beginners-Who-Is-the-Horned-God-and-the-Triple-Goddess


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