After Life Beliefs


Wiccans believe that the physical body that we are currently occupying is just a host for our soul. After death, Wiccan’s believe that life continues and their soul travels to a realm that is referred to as Summerland (Cantrell, 2011).

     In the literature, Summerland is described as a peaceful, paradise that is shaped by our own individual wants and desires. This is usually depicted by a beautiful land of eternal summer with beautiful rivers, and enchanting forests (Cantrell, 2011).  Others see it as a non-physical realm, where the energy of many souls collects and interacts with one another (Chamberlain, 2014).  

Unlike many other religions where there is a ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’ (heaven for the good, hell for the bad), Summerland welcomes everyone (Chamberlain, 2014).

In Summerland, the individuals soul is said to eventually participate in three things:

Reunion: In Summerland our souls are said to be reunited with the souls of others who physical bodies have died and souls have traveled over. These can be the souls of our friends, family and even the gods and goddesses.

Reflection: Reflecting on ones past life, learning from lessons and attempting to understand which lessons still need to be learned in the next life.

Reincarnation: When the soul has learned what they need to and understand what lessons need to be learn and what accomplishments need to be achieved in the next life they can choose to either stay in Summerland for a while longer or to be reincarnated and continue on with their quest to perfect their soul. The length of stay in Summerland is up to the soul (Cunningham, 2007; Cantrell, 2011).



     Reincarnation is the belief that when someone dies that only their physical body is lost, but their soul lives on and is reborn into another body (Cunningham, 2007).

The goal of reincarnation is to perfect ones soul. And that one lifetime is not long enough in order to gain all the knowledge, wisdom, and experience in order to do so. So for that reason we live many lives where we are taught many lessons. Each life one step closer to perfection (Cunningham, 2007).

     After the soul has accomplished its goal of perfection they are able to break the cycle of life and death and join the gods and goddesses for eternity (Cunningham, 2007).







Cantrell, G. (2011). Wiccan beliefs & practices: With ritual for solitaries & covens. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn

Chamberlain, L. (2014). Wicca for beginners: A guide to the Wiccan beliefs, rituals, magic and witchcraft. Lexington, KY:   Occult Shorts.

Cunningham, S., & Nightingale, K. (2007). Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner. St. Paul, Mn: Llewellyn Publications.





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