The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year has 8 seasonal festivals or sabbats. The first is Yule or Yuletide. It falls between December 20-23 or the winter solstice. The main themes of this sabbat is the rebirth of the sun and the celebration of the return of light. It reminds us to have patience. It is the … [Read more…]

Wiccan Beliefs

Since Wicca is very decentralized, they are many different beliefs. Wiccans can be theists, atheists, and agnostic. Theism is where someone believes in a god, atheism is when someone does not believe in a god, and agnosticism is where someone believes there is nothing to be known or can be known about a god. Wiccans … [Read more…]

What is Wicca

Wicca is a type of contemporary or modern Paganism (new religious movements) influenced by historic pagan beliefs in pre-Christian (Wicca Spells, 2019). Paganism is an umbrella term with many earth based faiths and spiritual belief systems. Some pagan religions that follow under this include Wicca, Asatru, Dianic, and Eclectic Witchcraft. In summary, all Wiccans are Pagan, … [Read more…]

After Life Beliefs

Summerland Wiccans believe that the physical body that we are currently occupying is just a host for our soul. After death, Wiccan’s believe that life continues and their soul travels to a realm that is referred to as Summerland (Cantrell, 2011).      In the literature, Summerland is described as a peaceful, paradise that is shaped … [Read more…]