Near death experiences in Children and Adult


What is Near Death Experience:

Steve Taylor , a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University in UK. Also the author of  ‘Spiritual science’. He defines “A Near Death Experience is when a person appears to be clinically ‘dead’ for a short period when their heart stops beating, their brain registers no sign of activity, and other vital sign indicate death and yet they report a continuation of consciousness. this mat happen following a cardiac arrest, for example-for a few seconds or minutes a person may show no biological sign of life, and yet when they resuscitated, report a series of remarkable experiences.”

Dr Melvin Morse , a pediatrician, and associate professor of university of Washington, explained ‘Near Death Experiences are spiritual events primarily reported by survivors of cardiac arrest, profound comas, and near fatal accidents. Their importance lies in documenting that the process of dying is spiritual and emotionally dynamic, and even if patients appears to be unconscious. These experiences can be invaluable in empowering dying patients and their families to understand death and heal grief. There is considerable cultural variation of the experience depending on the personal life, history, age, religious background, and interviewers belief system. The current debate over whether Near Death Experiences imply and objectively real heaven or soul obscures the fact that they are as real as any other human emotion and ability.

Dr Raymond Moody, known as the dean of near death experience studies. He is a philosopher, psychologist, physician and author of several books. he defined- ‘Near Death Experience is patterned experience people have after dying or almost dying. Different people have different experience. There are some striking commonalities, but not exactly the same. Most people have experience of leaving their own bodies, and they actually can see their own bodies from above when their body is resuscitated. They walk pass down through a dark tunnel and come out into a brilliant, warm, and loving light. The surprising part is that they see deceased family members, friends, and loving person in a spirit form. Often they under grow a panoramic and holographic review of their lives in which they witness everything they’ve they have done from an external point of view. Often, this life review happens in the presence of a being  of love and light.

Nine Elements of Near Death Experiences:

  1. A strange Sound: a buzzing, or ringing noise while having a sense of being dead.
  2. Peace and Painlessness: While people are dying, they may be in intense pain, but as soon as the leave the body the pain vanishes and they experience peace.
  3. Out of Body Experience: The dying often have the sensation of rising up and floating above their own body. They experience the feeling of being in a spiritual body that appears to be a sort of leaving energy field.
  4. The Tunnel Experience: This experience is that of being drawn into darkness through a tunnel, at an extremely high speed, until reaching a realm of radiant-golden white light. Also, although they sometimes report feeling scared, they do not sense that were on the way to hell or that they fell into it.
  5. Rising Rapidly into The Heaven: Some people report rising suddenly into the heavens and seeing the Earth and the celestial sphere as they would be seen by astronauts in space.
  6. People of Light: Once on the other side of the tunnel, the dying meet people who glow with an inner light. Often they find that friends and relatives who have already died are there to greet them.
  7. The Being of Light: The dying often meet a powerful spiritual being whom some have identified as God, Jesus, or some religious figure.
  8. The life Review: The being of light presents the dying with a panoramic review of everything they have ever done. That is, they relive every act they have ever done to other people and away feeling hat love is the most important thing in life.
  9. Reluctance to return: The being of light sometimes tells the dying that they must return to life. Other times, they are given a choice of staying or returning. In either case, they are reluctant to return. The people who choose to return do so only because of loved ones they do not wish to leave behind.

An Example of Near Death Experiences with The Being of Light

“I knew I was dying and that there was nothing I could do about it, because no one could hear me. I was out of my body, there’s no doubt about it because I could see my own body, there on the operation room table. My soul was out! All this made me feel very bad at first, but then this really bright light came. It did seem that it was a little dim at first, but then it was this huge beam. It was just a tremendous amount of light, nothing like a big bright flashlight. It was just too much light. And, it gave off heat to me. I felt a warm sensation.

It was a bright yellowish white more white. It was tremendously bright. I just can’t describe it. It seemed that it covered everything. I could see clearly, and it covered everything. i could see clearly, and it wasn’t blinding. At first, when the light came i wasn’t sure what was happening, but then, it asked, it kind of asked me if I was ready to die. It was like talking to a person, but a person wasn’t there. The lights what was talking to me, but in a voice. Now, I think that the voice was talking to me actually realized that I wasn’t ready to die. It was just kind of testing me more than anything else. Yet, from the moment the light spoke to me, I felt very good, secure and loved. The love which came from it is just unimaginable and indescribable. It was a fun person to be with! And it had a sense of humor too.

Do Children Have Near Death Experience?

Yes, about 85% of children who experience cardiac arrest have an NDE.  With improving cardiac resuscitation techniques, more and more children are surviving cardiac arrest.  More children who have had NDEs are alive today than ever before, and the number is likely to increase because of improved resuscitative techniques.  Apparently, youngsters of any age can have an NDE.  Very young children, as soon as they are able to speak, have reported NDEs they had as infants or in the process of being born.

What Type of Near Death Experiences do Children have?

  • 76% reported a comforting “initial” experience.  Such experiences involved up to three elements, things like a loving nothingness, a friendly voice, a visitation by a loving being, an out-of-body experience, and/or the peacefulness of either a safe light or safe dark place
  • 19% reported a pleasurable or heaven-like experience
  • 3% reported a distressing or hell-like experience
  • 2% had a “transcendent” experience in which they felt they acquired special knowledge.

Children’s View on Near Death Experiences: 

  • Sense of being dead
  • Separating from physical body
  • Seeing heaven, garden, and flowers
  • Seeing bee or butterfly to guide them in heaven
  • Seeing Angels and God like being
  • Seeing a light and tunnel
  • Seeing dead relatives or pets
  • Seeing living teachers and friends
  • deciding return to the body
  • A sense of peace and joy

Dr Melvin Morse had documented near death experiences on critically ill children, and the video also showing some pictures about near death experience drawn by children:

An Experience of a Children on Near Death:

A five years old boy had a tracheotomy  for severe tracheomalacia. He had a total of three cardiac arrests during his life, at age 4 months, 8 months, and 2 years. At age 3, when his parents Christmas pageant, he began protesting, saying the figure on the stage was ‘not my Jesus’. By age 5, he reported to his parents that when he was an infant, he almost died. He floated out of his body, and ans saw his grand mother and mother hugging each other and crying. He continued to straight up until he saw a dark tunnel. he perceived himself as cowling down the tunnel and entering into a brightly lit heavenly realm, where he ‘ran and double jumped with God.’ His parents and he believe that this experience occurred during his respiratory arrest at age 8 months, which was long and complex, requiring 45 minutes of chest compression.

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