My Personality and My Authentic Leadership

  1. Read the interpretation that follows each assessment carefully. Review your results in the table on page 39. Analyze your personality based on these results.  Ensure you include insights from each of the 4 assessments. (200 word maximum)

When most of us are asked the question to assess your own personality it can be a little daunting, we’re afraid to see the outcome of these tests because if we don’t like what we see, we sense failure. However, this is far from the case, these tests should give us the insight we need to better ourselves so we can adapt and evolve from our current states.

Below I will be sharing my results based on the 4 assessments which were required of me.

Big Five Personality Test

Big 5 Attribute Score Description
extraversion 4.4  It states that I am more extroverted than introverted. I didn’t find this surprising as I do derive satisfaction from interacting with other people. Extroverts will usually be good at social interaction due to lots of experience.
agreeableness 4.2 People who score high on this dimension tend to believe that most people are honest, decent, and trustworthy. As I mentioned before I give people the benefit of the doubt unless they prove me otherwise.
conscientiousness 3.8 Conscientious individuals are generally hard working and reliable. When taken to an extreme, they may also be “workaholics”, perfectionists, and compulsive in their behavior. I would have liked to score higher in this field, however, I enjoy a balance in my life. We aren’t here forever, and I would prefer to spend free time with family and friends.
emotional stability 2.2 Fortunately, I scored very low on neuroticism which is the tendency to experience negative emotions, and this has a lot to do with having a positive Zen approach to life. 
Openness-to- experience 4.2 Seeking out new experiences is how I stay out of my comfort zone.


Jung Typology Test

Extravert(44%)  iNtuitive(22%)  Feeling(28%)  Perceiving(16%)

  • You have moderatepreference of Extraversion over Introversion (44%)
  • You have slightpreference of Intuition over Sensing (22%)
  • You have moderatepreference of Feeling over thinking (28%)
  • You have slightpreference of Perceiving over Judging (16%)

P.E.R.M.A Test

Positive emotion: 6

Engagement: 8.33

Relationships: 8.67

Meaning: 8

Accomplishment: 8

Optimism Test

  • Permanence-Good Events : 2
  • Permanence-Bad Events : 3
  • Pervasiveness-Bad Events : 3
  • Pervasiveness-Good Events : 4
  • Hopefulness : 0


  1. Reflect on everything you have learned in this assignment. How can you plan to use these personality insights and strengths to make yourself a more effective, authentic leader? (250 words maximum)

This assignment has made me answer some tough questions about who I am, who I’m sought out to be, and how people perceive me. Individually these are important questions to think about on a yearly basis. How have I progressed? How am I better today? And who was I yesterday? From now on these are the questions I will answer about myself and measure them realistically. You can lie to everyone else, but that one person who knows you better than anyone else is the person in the mirror you look at every day…and he never lies.

Becoming an effective leader is an ongoing learning experience and sometimes you won’t get it right, but identifying who you are and who you want to become are purposeful questions that need answering. I plan to keep a record of these assignments and reflect whenever I need to reevaluate my current situation. For example, instead of being a ‘feeler’ I need to be a ‘thinker’ using critical and logical thinking, analyzing first and acting second.