My Personal Leadership Development Goals

Time Management:

When we utter statements like “there isn’t enough hours in a day to get everything done” don’t use their time wisely. We often want to blame the uncontrollable and rationalize that there isn’t enough time but the reality of this is that we aren’t managing our time wisely enough and that everything doesn’t need to be done at once (I’m guilty for this). Especially those of us who have been growing up with technology have much difficulty staying focused and this is a problem when it comes to time management. Lately, I have been more inclined on managing my goals and adjusting my life with this reality. As you get older you realize that time is your most valuable asset and by wasting it you’re not doing yourself any favours. The more responsibility I have the more I realize that my time is precious and I need to maintain this to my advantage. I have been working with Gantt charts recently and I believe the best way I can continue being more productive, motivated, and realistic is by creating a visual chart. This will enable me to work within my milestones and help measure my goals have specific dates within it to know I’m achieving them.

This is chart is still a working process for me, however this is how I perceive it to look.


Increasing knowledge:

Learning isn’t something you do until you’ve graduated from a post-secondary institution, learning is universal, defines personal growth, and helps you achieve new horizons. Whether that be a new skill or language I enjoy keeping myself current and moving forward. Sometimes I don’t follow this though, and this relates back to time management. However, as I increase my time management, I will have more success with increasing my knowledge. This is also something I plan to manage with a chart as I believe this to be an essential visual tool that will help me achieve these goals. I’m going to start a new program for myself that includes learning something new every month, this will range from learning a new word to healthy living to learning a new skill. I choose one month because one week is not realistic to me and instead of learning I will end up wearing myself out and not attain these specific goals.

This is also a useful chart that I have been focusing on, and I see the results.
