My Current State of Leadership

My Current State of Leadership

From the past to present I have seen change within me, what drives me, and what motivates me to be a better more effective leader. Reflecting on the insights below I will say becoming a great leader takes time, adaptability, and consistency. Starting with my “Competing Values”, I fall under the blue leadership category with green being a close second. Some of the attributes of these categories are adaptable, flexible, engaged, and involved. The reason why I felt the need to point out both blue and green is because I see myself able to adapt in both areas with strong interpersonal skills and effective communication skills. I am also flexible and able to adapt to my surroundings and situations as best as possible.

Looking at the insights from “what motivates me” I am more inclined for growth than the other two areas. This may be the result of me enjoying challenges in the workplace to stay motivated and engaged. I also enjoy personal growth and development, this helps me feel like I’m making a difference for myself. It is also important for me to be paid well, I see this more a bonus but if I feel that I am an achiever for a company it would be nice to be compensated for your work efforts. I didn’t rate relatedness my second because I feel it important to keep a balance of personal and work life. It is important to get to know your co-workers but getting too close may result in information being leaked that was personal to you.

The results of “How Self-Confident are you?” wasn’t as good as I expected them to be. According to this assessment I’m doing an OK job of recognizing my skills, and believing in my abilities. However, I do agree with this and have been told by friends before that I am not achieving my fullest potential. This may be due to the lack of risk taking, every time I have been close to taking a life changing risk it was difficult for me to go through with it.

For the “Self-efficacy” test most of my answers were based on moderately being true and this is because when I lack in competence I am not confident enough to pursue something. This isn’t always the case because I do enjoy problem solving and will come to a conclusion when I try hard at it. I trace this back to my fear of failure, but the more I realize it I’m understanding that failure is getting you one step closer to your goals. Sometimes we need to fail in order to succeed.

My most admired leader is the infamous Mark Cuban. The reason why I admire Mark is because he wasn’t some Harvard graduate in computer science. He was a man who sought out an opportunity and with his perseverance, dedication, and leadership he was able to create numerous successful companies. This shows me that anyone can be successful; play on your strengths, learn new skills, and continue to move forward.