Lessons in Personal Leadership Development: where do I go from here?


  1. What could you have done differently throughout the semester to more effectively engage in personal leadership development? What worked? Why?  What did not work? Why?  (50 words max.)

During this semester I have taken my personal leadership more seriously and contributed more now than before to make me an authentic leader. I have built relationships in the class and professional life and have lead with a vision, a goal, and value. Through this I believe I could have been more disciplined in my work ethic.

  1. What steps will you take to further develop your leadership abilities? (50 words max.)

I will continue to improve on my lack of time management, I do believe there has been improvement in this area, but I don’t think this is a quick fix that can be done in a week. In connection with that I will be focusing more on how to have tunnel vision during any tasks that I may feel are high priority.

  1. What is the major thing you learned about yourself and building your authentic leadership through this personal leadership development process and the creation of your own personal leadership development plan (50 words max.)

I have witnessed myself become more resilient to outer noise, as a good leader you must know when to actively listen and when to keep your focus. I have also learned that I am adaptable to many given situations and through that have become a better listener.

  1. Consider yourself:

Write a memo to yourself outlining two of your major strengths as a team member. (50 words maximum)

My two biggest strengths would be bringing positive energy and implementation. I enjoyed getting my team members excited and ready to work, even the moments we felt weak and undetermined I was there to motivate. The second strength was to get my team members to focus and set times to get our tasks completed, this was important so we didn’t side track or get off topic.

  1. Consider your team’s weakest member:

Write a memo to this team member providing useful feedback for how they can improve their performance. Put yourself in the role of their manager. (50 words maximum)

We all had our weaknesses in the group, however we were there to manage these weaknesses with positive and supportive feedback. Hi Bruce, as your native language isn’t English I know this is difficult for you. Let’s work on the right pitch to help you understand your parts so we can improve and overcome this weakness.

  1. If you were the manager of your team, what feedback would you provide to the team members in order that they can take their performance from good to great? (100 words maximum)

Team, I know we are good, we performed well in our last presentation and it can’t be unsaid that we exceeded our expectations, but how about we take it one more step above that. We know it can be done we’ve already proved ourselves that it can be. This time we should clearly understand what we plan on discussing, minimize the filler words, and stay focused. This involves practice, so the best way to do this is prepare and rehearse at least once daily. Fluidity is our greatest asset, let’s stand out and be great.