Reflecting on My Personal Leadership Values

  1. Describe yourself as a leader using the results of your Rokeach and competing values assessments and the resulting managerial profile. Consider the following: What does your profile suggest about how you will interact in a team? ; What extreme behaviours should you be aware that you could potentially exhibit? How will you guard against these negative tendencies? (100 words)  

After going through the survey multiple times I have distinguished myself as Blue (Compete – do things fast). At first, I didn’t agree with it, however I realized that after competing in various weightlifting competitions that it is the perfect fit for me. As a competitor, interacting in a team environment can be challenging, not everyone wants the undue stress a competitive individual brings as this could also lead to a team being counterproductive.

I should be aware of how my colleagues view me on being competitive, this could result in resentment and poor productivity if not properly communicated.

  1. Sum up your learning on values. What have you learned about your personal values and your managerial strengths? How will you use these results for your personal leadership development? (100 words)

I believe if I were to have taken these assessments a few years back my results would have been incomparable. That being said, it’s because of the yesterdays that I’m here today. I have evolved, this isn’t the final result, but a step forward into my developing process. As I continue, my values and managerial strengths will change just like a chameleon changes and adapts to its surroundings.  I will use these results as a guideline and every year assess and compare the changes on how I’ve developed. This is the process of growth and will be monitored as I continue my journey.