“Members promote and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize shared responsibilities and leadership roles in order to facilitate student success. Members maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities.”
Ontario College of Teachers
Example 1 – Co-Coaching Volleyball and Basketball
Despite the ever-changing restrictions with COVID-19, I was lucky enough in both of my practicums to assist in coaching one of the girls team. During my first practicum at St. Patrick’s Catholic High School, I assisted Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Benacquista with tryouts and practices, as well as games, for the senior girls volleyball team. During my second practicum at Gregory A Hogan Catholic School (elementary), I assisted Mme Wright, Mme Brandon, and Mme King with tryouts and practices. Being able to be a part of the whole process for these teams really opened my eyes to everything that goes on, and the amount of teamwork it takes to run a team. Furthermore, it taught me the importance of communication and organization.

For the senior girls volleyball, unfortunately the girls did not end up making it to finals.
For the senior girls basketball, the girls have not had any games thus far, but have an exhibition game this week and their tournament next week, so I will update then!