Professional Practice

Provide evidence of achievement of this Standard of Practice.


  1. An artifact (a pdf, a word document, a photo- devoid of student faces, a video…etc)
  2. A reflective paragraph regarding the use of this artifact in your teaching practice.

(Worth noting: be professional and concise, and leave some of your personality behind in the writing.)


Members apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and   responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.

Examples of:

  • unit plan overview-summary
  • lesson plan(s) with reflections & handouts
  • assessment samples (i.e. rubrics, rating scales, checklists, anecdotal records)-KUTICA
  • sample(s ) of technology products used in lessons (e.g.Webquests, Hyperstudio, PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.)
  • audiovisual or other instructional materials developed and used by the candidate
  • samples of graphic organizers, collaborative learning examples
    *other documentation


Twitter Worksheet

Introductory Plants Lesson