Assignment 6- Lessons in Personal Leadership Development: where do I go from here?

Assignment 6- Lessons in Personal Leadership Development: where do I go from here?

Travis Durocher


1.) As a leader I could have encouraged more feedback from others or from those around me. I was a direct coordinator leader, so I knew my role was to create and lead discussion. However, by encouraging feedback I would realize what my teammates wanted out of me as a leader.

2.) I am going to focus on my leadership vision by listening effectively and to motivate others. A key in where I want to be as a leader is one where others look up to. My vision is to lead others and take initiative, however, with initiative comes patience.

3.) My style of leadership was built around control (red quadrant of the CVF). My strongest characteristics, being able to maintain strong relationships within a group and being an authentic leader, as well with self-disciplinary and specific visions, are even further developed. To lead with example.

4.) You’ve had a large contribution to the team and was a huge part of our success. You never deviated from the task at hand even if there was additional work to be done, you never stopped achieving.  You’re a passionate person that maintains a great working environment to be around.

5.) We in our group take pride in efficiency and quality. You have little motivation and tended to be unresponsive at times which caused our team some struggles. You have to organize yourself more to optimize your success and need to find your inner goals and achieve them, have drive in life.

6.) We are a very strong team in a sense that we all have certain strengths that contributed equally to the team; however there are areas that we can improve on. Majority of issues we have experienced are due to the fact that we have not well communicated with one another. We need to work on better establishing dates and times of which we needed to finish things. Also splitting the roles more based on our strengths would have made things easier for the task on hand. A team on the right page is a very successful team with less stress.


Assignment 5- My Personal Leadership Development Goals




Assignment 5- My Personal Leadership Development Goals

Travis Durocher







GOAL 1– Within Two weeks I am going to be A strong Confident leader by improving my Leadership Presence Skill. My peers or workers will be able to hear what I have to say and believe in the goals we have to achieve.

GOAL 2– Within two weeks My group that I will be leading will be a top notch Group because I will improve on my Talent management Skill. My group will be full of hard workers who believe in their work and are not afraid to push each other.

EVALUTE– This goals and skills I want to improve on are relevant to my Monitor and Coordinate type of leadership skills. These skills will help my improve more on being a efficient leader.

REASSESS– Do not need to change my goals because my vision has remand the same. A monitor and Coordinator leader who needs to be in control to make sure things are done correctly.


Assignment 4- My Current State of Leadership

My Current State of Leadership

Travis Durocher



My Competing values assessments and resulting profile indicates my leadership style is red, which is ‘Monitor’ and ‘Coordinator’. The keys to effectiveness that I exude are; practicality and stability. The contributing behaviors of these roles are; factual, realistic, grounded, questioning, strong, confident, secure, trust and independent.  I see myself as more of a strong, outspoken leader, which would invoke confidence and security among my teammates. Being strong develops trust and credibility. When people trust you, they will be more inclined to follow you.  A leader builds trust by considering what is best for the team. Leaders do not abuse their power; oppositely they build trust by using it properly.  Trust is based on the respect and expectations of a leader who cares and acts with compassion in the most positive way.  Leaders make the decisions, thusly held accountable. When chosen to be a leader, you are expected to make decisions that either can be good or bad; take chances knowing the risks and stick by your decisions.  Being held accountable is a positive thing, as you want to be known for the good things that you do and for the fact that people can believe in you.

The assessment from “what motivates me” exercise indicated that I receive the most motivation from internal growth needs and relatedness needs. I could not agree more with the growth needs because I believe individual success is a very important in becoming a great leader. I do agree that physical motivation is a big driving aspect like salaries and bonuses but learning new skills, achieving goals I set for myself is what will lead to physical motivational achievements.  More growth leads to desire to perform, I push myself to the limits both mentally and physically.  The relatedness needs; involves the building of relationships and a reputation with other co-workers so they can follow your leadership. Good relationships will create a great working atmosphere and bring the best out of everyone.

“How confident am I in my abilities to succeed” assessment was really high; in the high 80’s. I believe the assessment is what a good leader stands for. Self-efficacy is very important in confidence, through past experiences of failures and achievements. My confidence is so high because I have turned my failures into successes and have achieved goals throughout my past for which I am very proud.  For me to maintain this confident mindset, I must continue achieving success but also continue to grow. I am able to grow by learning new skills and have no fear of failure.

According to my close friends responses they answered the question “ what are my leadership strengths” with the overall conclusion of a leader who shows tremendous passion in what he is doing, a confident leader who is not hard to follow and a one that success tells his story. All aspects contribute to a great role model.  The responses resemble my competing values of leadership. I could improve on opening up to others opinions and leadership in certain roles and allowing more than one leader to take control.

My personal admired Leader is one that I get to see every day in my life and that is my father. This admiration is not only because of his familial status; but also his occupational title, status and responsibilities, make him a good leader.  His job title is the UNIFOR union rep. of local 2458. He represents over 700 members in the local hospitals. He shows great responsibility by making sure all members are treated fair and have equal rights.  He oversees occupational security for the members whilst, also makes sure the job is done proper. This occupation is accompanied with an election open to the workers every 3 years. My father has worked at his craft for 15 years, thus allowing him to become a better leader every day. His coworkers believe in him, and believe he is doing a great job.  Although he is not a famous leader that everyone knows, he is the most realistic and gave me a direct impression of what a good leader embodies. The fundamental state of leadership would show that the two strengths my leader would exemplify are; reflective action and authentic engagement.  In developing my skills to emulate my leader, I would have to build a great reputation, entrusting people to follow me, which is accompanied by being a strong and credible leader.


Assignment 3- Personality

1.) Personality is defined as “a combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.” Based on the four exercises and their results, there are many positive attributes abut my personality, for example; a leader full of wisdom, and vision for a bright future.  Conscientiousness is a personality trait that influences whether people set and keep long-term goals, a serious key ingredient to a successful future.  Conscientiousness reflects characteristics such as responsibility, carefulness, and dependability. Highly conscientious people are motivated by a sense of duty and a need for achievement. Someone has to be dedicated, strong willed and precise in the aspects of ones life, in which they strive to achieve success. In my opinion the previously stated attributes of success are exemplified in my every day life.  Thus, my score of 4.17 of 5 in the Grit test and my 16-Type personality is ESTJ. ESTJ has the characteristics of an excellent organizer who is dedicated to his work with people or individuals. Shows a lot of grit in his actions; Passion and perseverance are the essence of success.

2.) An effective leader is someone who as the support of his team members and one who can achieve success. Authentic leadership knows, and acting on, what is true and real inside yourself, your team, and your organization and knowing what is true and real in the world. I learned that a leader’s word must be trusted, that they will follow through with commitments, they are genuinely thrilled and excited of their actions and work, and that they encompass the attributes of a person who has the ability to lead. Credibility is earned. My personality shows grit, dedication and strong will. I believe I can use these traits, to ensure others that I am a person who people can look up to, follow and be successful.  Authentic Expression is the true voice of the leader. A leader has to inspire people to achieve more and never settle. Hard work and dedication will always pay off.

Assignment 2- Leadership Vision

  1. )    My personal leadership vision represents me as a leader who prefers re ‘Monitor’ and ‘Coordinator’ roles.  A strong leader who is on point, strong and outspoken but is also loved and who connects with people.  My Rokeach Values resulted in top three terminal values are Freedom, Health and Comfortable life. Top three instrumental values are Independent, Loving and Polite.


My Personal Leadership Vision:

“I am an inspirational and outgoing person to learning peers and followers. Compassion and achievement drive my actions toward success. My presence allows others to accomplish goals and pursue dreams.”




This Symbol represents the vision, for me that represent my life and goals. It reminds me that only I can put the pieces together for independent success. Achieving goals on a professional level in a well-mannered state takes time and hard work. Only you can determine your own fate.

Assignment 1 – Values

Assignment 1 – Values

Travis Durocher



  1. Based on the results of my Rokeach and competing values assessments and resulting profile, my leadership/managerial roles are ‘Monitor’ and ‘Coordinator’. The keys to effectiveness that I exude are; practicality and stability. The contributing behaviours of these roles are; factual, realistic, grounded, questioning, strong, confident, secure and independent. However, the extreme and ineffective behaviours that accompany these traits are; pessimistic, destructive, visionless, hopeless, arrogant, closed rigid and inflexible. This profile does not allow one to assess oneself as a team player, because it is primarily based on leadership qualities. However, in speculation using this model, I would be more of a strong, outspoken leader, which would invoke confidence and security among my teammates. On the other hand, the negative attributes that would be present may be the inability to listen to others comments or concerns as well as a closed minded attitude. This could have the ability to result in a divide within the team. To guard myself from these tendencies I would use instrumental values such as being polite, loving, responsible, hard working, and broad-minded. These values along with my leadership skills would allow me to be an intricate member of a team, not only leading a team but listening to the concerns and voices of others.



  1. Prior to completing the rankings of the values on these charts, I believed the chart would not help me and I looked at it mainly as an assignment for school. I found myself changing my rankings as I went through the different values. On the terminal values chart my first three rankings were; health, freedom and a comfortable life. My last three rankings were; true friendship, world at peach and world of beauty. Now that I have completed the rankings I find myself in a way upset with my rankings and what I have chosen to be ‘most important’ in my life. In my opinion these rankings are a reflection of the society in which my generation has grown up in, with our focus on money and success. However, what are money and success if you have no true friendships or a world at peace? My rankings of the terminal values would exemplify a leader who demands success and no errors from those who he works, however he might find himself very alone at the top. In order to be a good leader I need to focus on the people who I will work with as well as the task at hand. My instrumental values, on the other hand, I have ranked my top three as; independent, loving and polite. However, my last three rankings are obedient, broad-minded and capable. The value of independence is two sided; positively I am self-reliant and self-sufficient, negatively I could not allow myself to rely on others or accept their positions. As a well-mannered and loving person I would be affectionate and courteous to other as a leader and teammate. Ranking broad-minded low on my list is a negative aspect in regards to being a leader and a teammate, however I would hope that my ability to be affectionate and well-mannered to others would over shadow my inability to be open-minded.