5 Things You Should Consider Before Using a Video in the Classroom

Videos are most commonly used to provide students with a visual representation of phenomenons that are hard to imagine through text or oral description alone (Morgan, 2013). Videos are especially advantageous to students who are auditory and visual learners (Morgan, 2013). However, using videos as an instructional tool is just as much of an art […]

The “How-What-What” to Implementing A Technological Tool in Any Classroom

Although technology has found its ways into classrooms, the effectiveness of educational technologies depends on their implementation. Before a tool is implemented, the combination of the following How-What-What should be considered: (1) HOW: How does the tool add to the learning process? Before incorporating a tool, teachers should consider how the tool will help improve the students’ […]

Role of Technology in the Experiential Learning Process of Research

Without a doubt, technology has changed the way students learn. In the world of research, technology is a double edge sward. Here, I will discuss a few ways that research has added and subtracted to the research process through experiential learning. Experiential learning is defined as learning through experience or reflection on one’s actions (Kolb, […]

Battle of the Modalities: Effects of NoteTaking Styles on Memory Retrieval

The debate over which notetaking method, laptop notetaking (L-NT) or hand-written notetaking (H-NT) has riled up a storm amongst educators and students. Arguably, there are advantages and disadvantages to both (see “Digital vs. Longhand Note Taking: The Pros and Cons” by Alyssa Klingbyle ). One of the main arguments against L-NT is that it promotes […]

Programming Languages To Use In The Classroom; C vs. Python

Teaching programming concepts to new learners can come with many unique challenges, not the least of which is the choice of programming language. With many programming languages to choose from, how can you decide on what language is best for your students? There are a few criteria you can compare different languages with depending on […]