Chromebooks In The Classroom!

In terms of technology and assistive devices, chromebooks have been a growing item hitting the classroom.   A Chromebook is the new pencil. It is a laptop that is linked directly to the Google platform; it has no hard drive.

Chromebooks have many benefits to classroom use.  Depending upon the school board’s policy, many boards are using the Google platform and all staff and students are given Gmail.  This allows easy connection and communication. Teachers are able to easily view students work online on shared docs, and students are able to work with other students online.   As well, for students with Learning Challenges, work can be uploaded to their Google docs, and they can access tools like “Read and Write ” to assist them in reading and responding to work, dispite a communication learning disability.  The Chromebook has become an important part of Assistive Technology.

Another benefit to chromebooks is quick and reliable storage.  Unlike Microsoft Word, when using Google docs or any Google application, the document saves automatically to the cloud.  This is extremely beneficial as students will never lose their work. Work can stop and be added too later in the day, or the next week.   Students are able to start work on their chromebook at school, and if they don’t finish can login at home and finish that same document, slide, etc.

Chromebooks are smaller versions of laptops and practically speaking can be easily transported in school, and move from class to class.  Many teachers have chromebook carts, and teach lessons with all their students on a Google doc. As well, in the classroom setting, students can use the chromebooks to research and then work collaboratively with peers on assignments in class.  The chromebook has replaced the days of going to the computer lab. The computer lab now comes to the classroom, creating an ease of utilizing technology in the classroom.

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