Leadership in Learning Communities

Coaching – Riverside Minor Hockey (Sept 2021 – March 2022)
Coaching – Brennan Cardinals Jr. Volleyball (Nov 2021 – Jan 2022)

My artifact here is the emblems of Riverside Minor Hockey Association and Brennan high school and this is why; after beginning my first placement I was looking for further opportunities to develop my skills and gain experience. Thankfully I was able to connect with people throughout my community and found openings to become an assistant coach for a U13 Bantam house league team in Riverside, as well as an assistant coach for the Junior Boys Volleyball team at Brennan high school. These coaching opportunities require me to be confident and motivating for children of a variety of ages. I was tasked with finding solutions to develop the student’s skills in volleyball and hockey while keeping a positive attitude and drive during positive and negative stretches during the season.
Coaching – St. Anne Saints Boys’ Baseball (2017-2023)

Prior to entering teacher’s college, I had the opportunity to come back to the school I graduated from and provide my knowledge and experience playing baseball to my past teammates and newcomers to the school. Although COVID-19 has postponed my timeline to return to coaching at St. Anne’s, I had the chance to become an assistant coach and pitching coach for the team for two full seasons. This coaching term was another part of my journey to becoming a teacher as I was developing interpersonal skills with students I had to build relationships with throughout the season.

During my second placement, I had the pleasure of volunteering at Tecumseh Vista Academy’s intermediate basketball intramurals during their lunch hour. This was a great experience for me as I could offer my sports knowledge and referring services while being able to make connections with staff and students. Overall, this was such a positive experience for me as I could discover more about the school and the people involved in it. It was a great opportunity to volunteer at the school aside from my regular placement.

Coaching – Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Jr. & Sr. Boys Volleyball (Fall 2022 Placement)

The following artifact represents my time in placement at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Windsor, Ontario. Throughout my time in placement, I was presented with many learning opportunities in and outside the classroom. During placement, I was thankful to spend time and work with both the Jr. and Sr. Volleyball teams at OLPH. An amazing experience for myself as a future educator as I aspire to find opportunities for coaching and connecting with staff and students in the school.