Monthly Archives: April 2014

Final Thoughts and other submissions

Unfortunately we ran out of time to look at my piece today. I will have to set up another time to meet with Rod to view my piece and discuss it but here are some works of friends within the class, unfortunately my phone died and I wasnt able to get everyones pieces captured. However aside from the ones I am about to post Susie and little Chelsey had some of the most outside the box and interesting pieces presented. Susie always challenges herself and Chelsey is always exploring new methods of producing art. Not taking anything away from anyone elses piece but those 2 really worked hard and I know that because i was always there with them. With out further ado here are the rest of the pieces that I was fortunate enough to capture.

 20140409_121601 Becky had one of the stronget pieces that explored such a beautiful topic. It was so simple in display but really hit home with a lot of us. It definitely was not a cheap project to accomplish but the detail and overall concept were amazing.
 20140409_121554 Chloe has a nack for taking every project she gets and really putting her best foot forward on it. Never scared to attempt new mediums, I think she really killed the project (in a good way) by making it look as if these objects were Inuit artefacts. Her ability to capture detail and explore styles of work that are outside the box and far from what we have learned during our tenure is really something to admire in her work.
20140409_121606 This piece was definitely the most interactive of the pieces presented today.Another way of really thinking outside the box and exploring new mediums. This piece really is a fun play on the easter island sculptures and is so political in that way. Made entirely of newspaper it seems as though the artist really spent a lot of time working on it and the shear processing would have been enough to earn her an A. Well though out and very well executed.
 20140409_121615 I loved this one, seeing as how they were supposed to be fashion statements, I thought they would work well as props in the film “The Purge”. I really feel as though they should have been displayed on models though and disagreed with a lot of class when some said it should have been branded by Dolce and Gabbana or Louis Vuton because I feel them being that commercial and covered in logos really would have taken away from the piece
 20140409_121633 This piece was extraordinary when you talk about something political. It really hit home in the class was a strong statement for assisted suicide. It took something so pure and made it so political

Adversity and the finished product

Unfortunately last night when I was carrying my bench into the spray booth to stain, the door slammed quickly onto my piece and shattered the back of it. I spent most of the night trying to reassemble and stain my piece despite having an exam at 8:30 am 🙁 here is the piece in a couple processes first the regluing and finally the final product. I swear Im going to set this thing on fire after the crit today…

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Refinements and prepping for stain

I have spent the week bevelling the weights and adding more details to make them look like there are 2 plates there to finally get my point across and sanded down the piece to make it as smooth as possible 🙂 Now I just gotta finish staining. I decided to stain because even Mike has said on occasion that the piece would lose its integrity if it looked like a solid metal piece by coating it in laquer but I know Rod really want to see it stained and so do I because at that point I feel the piece is complete its not like its ready for processing so I feel like staining the piece would allow me to meet right in the middle.



After a discussion with rod he feels that I should stain the piece. It seems as if he likes it and I feel like im on the right path. In order to stain the piece however Im going to have to sand it down so that inconsistencies in the plywood can be removed for the smoothest finish.