I have just completed my semester on the oncology unit. Honestly I really enjoyed this floor and this is something I am interested in for my future career. I learned so much about specific types of cancer and side effects of cancer treatments. In addition, I have watched a lot of blood transfusions since many patients experience thrombocytopenia and anemia. I had the opportunity to do tracheostomy care for the first time which was a great experience. Also through this placement I have learned how to navigate through paper charting which is a skill they do not teach in school. Even though it was a stressful time I am grateful for the experience.
Finishing Year 2 Winter Semester
I have just completed my last shift on Floor 4 at Met. This floor has allowed me to grow so much as a student nurse. I am proud of the growth I made, especially in my communication and gaining more confidence in my skills. Here are some new experiences I had during the semester:
- hand off reports with the other group of students
- IVPB medications
- discontinuing a foley
- postmortem care
- handling a patient falling
- watching a PICC line dressing change
- caring for a patient with a chest tube
- Yankauer suctioning
Floor 4 at Met
For my second semester in 2nd year, I have been placed on floor 4 at Met which is a Telemetry and Respiratory unit. I am only a couple weeks in and so far I am really enjoying my time. Compared to previous units, the nurses on the floor are much more eager to communicate with and help the students which has made me feel much more comfortable. I am intrigued by the heart monitors on the floor and am looking forward to learning how to interpret them. This semester I am excited to build on my skills and hopefully get to administer IV and IM medications, insert a catheter and do some wound changes. In addition I really want to improve my head to toe assessments.
Working 12hr Shifts…
For consolidation my group was chosen for 12 hour shifts. This is the first time I had ever worked for that long and I was very nervous. Overall it has been very tiring and busy but at the same time an amazing learning experience. Throughout this week I have learned how to time manage better and improve on my communication with the nurses. My shifts have been busier than ever. Compared to last semester I find that I am getting more involved in the care of my patients. The nurses on this floor are very engaging and always asking for help from us students which has been very beneficial. My nurse even took the time to show me a bladder scan, accucheck and how to put in an IV.
School and Clinical Update
Today is February 4, 2022 and I have just completed my third week of clinical. This week I was able to interact with many patients during the day which has made me more comfortable with communicating. It was a busy week on the floor so I was able to jump in and help a lot of nurses when it was needed. I am enjoying going to the hospital and can’t wait to keep learning and developing my skills. School is starting to get stressful in my theory classes. I just completed two midterms this week and have two more coming up. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with everything. I think I need to regroup and find some time for myself to relax and regain my focus for the upcoming challenges. Overall, these first weeks of school have been busy but I am excited about all the new skills I am learning.