Growth Plan

Professional Growth Plan


Goal Strategies to Learn Strategies to Implement
Implement different teaching styles within a single lesson to address students of all learning abilities. ·      Ask other teachers for alternative ways to teach the same lessons.

·      Co-lesson plan with teachers who have done similar lessons.

·      Visit two differentiated classrooms.

·      Read about differentiated discussion and become more educated on it

·      Teach the lesson using a visual, auditory and hands on approach.

·      Implement all of these aspects into the original instruction.

·      Have a mentor observe and provide feedback.


Implement multiple literacies and 21st century learning into every lesson. ·      Educate myself on the different types of multiple literacies.

·      Determine a form of literacy that works best in my present class and that the students enjoy most.

·      Learn technology programs that will aid in current educational lessons.

·      Be sure to give students access to technology.

·      Plan lessons with a student-centred focus in mind.

·      Provide students with necessary tools to think outside the box.

·      Ensure lessons leave room for student creativity and exploration.

Ensure students always know they are valued and respected in my classroom. ·      Educate myself on building trusting relationships with children.

·      Determine the professional difference between friend and teacher.

·      Determine each students differences and their interests.

·      Ensure students respect me in return by showing them that I respect and understand them.

·      Build a positive relationship with all students.

·      Always take an interest in students’ thoughts and ideas.

·      Never let a students voice or opinion go unheard.

·      Give students freedom to aid in their own learning experience.