Vignette Rubric

Vignette Grading Rubric

 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
StoryThe author does not provide the reader with an understanding of their experience.The author provides the reader with some understanding of their experience. The author provides the reader with a good understanding of their experience.  The author provides the reader with a deep understanding of their experience. 
SceneNo description of scene, visuals, people, or place.Some description of scene, visuals, people, or place. Needs more detail.Good description of scene, visuals, people, and place. The reader can visualize what you have described. Detailed description of scene, visuals, people, and place. The reader understands your experience.
OrganizationWriting is disorganized and impossible to follow.Writing is somewhat organized and difficult to follow.Writing is organized and easy to follow.Writing is very clearly organized and easy to follow. Readers can achieve a clear understanding.
FluencySentences are incomplete. Punctuation and capitalization is not used. Spelling is difficult to understand.Sentences are somewhat complete. Some punctuation and capitalization is missing. Several spelling mistakes. Most sentences are complete. Punctuation and capitalization is mostly correct. Spelling is almost perfect. All sentences are complete. Punctuation and capitalization is properly used. Spelling is perfect.