The House on Mango Street

Lesson Plan

Grade and Subject: ENG 1LX/2LX

Date: December 15, 2021

Lesson Topic: Writing vignettes

Unit Topic: The House on Mango Street

Overall Expectations:

  1. Developing and Organizing Content: generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience;
  2. Using Knowledge of Form and Style: draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience;
  3. Applying Knowledge of Conventions: use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively.

Specific Expectations:

  • 1.2 generate and focus ideas for potential writing tasks, using a few different strategies and print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate;
  • 2.2 establish an identifiable voice in their writing, modifying language and tone to suit the form, audience, and purpose for writing;
  • 2.4 write complete sentences that communicate their meaning accurately, varying sentence type, structure, and length for different purposes and making logical transitions between ideas.


  • Online:
    • D2L
    • Computer
    • Internet access
    • The House on Mango Street PDF
    • Worksheets available on D2L
    • Arthur clips

Learning Goals:

  1. Learn what a “vignette” is.
  2. Understand how to write an effective vignette.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can write a short vignette.
  2. My vignette provides readers with a detailed description of a moment from my life.


Opening Activity (25 minutes):

  • Bell Work: Words of the week sentences

Lesson Application (90 minutes + 15 minute break):

  • Lesson on vignettes
  • Vignette writing assignment/Rubric explanation
  • Time to get started on vignettes, ask questions, come up with an idea
    • Ideally the students should decide what they are going to write about by the end of this class.
    • Check in with each student to see what they are writing about. Make sure they are on the right track and understand the task.
    • This task may cause some confusion. Have each student share a brief explanation of their vignette and show you what they have done before writing the whole thing.

Conclusion (20 minutes)

  • Kahoot


  • Students are learning about vignettes with written examples in The House on Mango Street. In this lesson, they are shown video vignette examples from Arthur. This provides a multimodal lesson.
  • Students are tasked with creating their own vignette to further their understanding and practice their writing skills. Since this is a new concept, I will be asking students to share their ideas with me before writing their full vignette. There will be in-class time to work in order for students to ask questions and seek help.