The House on Mango Street

Lesson Plan

Grade and Subject: ENG 1LX/2LX

Date: December 14, 2021

Lesson Topic: Reading comprehension

Unit Topic: The House on Mango Street

Overall Expectations:

  1. Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of informational, literary, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;
  2. Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently.

Specific Expectations:

  1. 1.1 Read a few different short, contemporary, student- and teacher-selected texts from diverse cultures, identifying purposes for reading;
  2. 1.3 Identify the important ideas and supporting details in a few different types of texts
  3. 1.4 Make inferences about simple texts and some teacher-selected complex texts, using stated and implied ideas from the texts.


  • Online:
    • D2L
    • Computer
    • Internet access
    • The House on Mango Street PDF
    • Worksheets available on D2L

Learning Goals:

  1. Practice reading a variety of styles of literature.
  2. Answer questions using evidence from a text provided by the teacher.
  3. Respond to prompts in full sentences using evidence and my own thinking.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can read and understand short, contemporary texts.
  2. I can answer questions that prove my comprehension.
  3. I can make inferences and explain my own thinking in response to a short text.


Opening Activity (25 minutes):

  • Bell Work: Word search creation and completion

Lesson Application (90 minutes + 15 minute break):

  • Read Sections 5-8 as a group
  • Independently, students will complete the quiz on Section 5-8
  • Time to catch up on yesterday’s work and missing work from the previous week.

Conclusion (20 minutes)

  • Kahoot


  • Students will have to read prose from a diverse culture (Mexican-American, immigrant narrative).
  • Students will have to identify important details and answer questions based on what they have read.