The House on Mango Street

Lesson Plan

Grade and Subject: ENG 1LX/2LX

Date: December 13, 2021

Lesson Topic: TheHouse on Mango Street Introduction

Unit Topic: The House on Mango Street

Overall Expectations:

  1. Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of informational, literary, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;
  2. Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently.

Specific Expectations:

  1. 1.1 Read a few different short, contemporary, student- and teacher-selected texts from diverse cultures, identifying purposes for reading;
  2. 1.3 Identify the important ideas and supporting details in a few different types of texts
  3. 1.4 Make inferences about simple texts and some teacher-selected complex texts, using stated and implied ideas from the texts.


  • Online:
    • D2L
    • Computer
    • Internet access
    • The House on Mango Street PDF
    • Worksheets available on D2L

Learning Goals:

  1. Practice reading a variety of styles of literature.
  2. Answer questions using evidence from a text provided by the teacher.
  3. Respond to prompts in full sentences using evidence and my own thinking.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can read and understand short, contemporary texts.
  2. I can answer questions that prove my comprehension.
  3. I can make inferences and explain my own thinking in response to a short text.


Opening Activity (25 minutes):

  • Bell Work: Words of the week definitions

Lesson Application (90 minutes + 15 minute break):

  • Read as a group: The house on Mango street
  • House on Mango street questions
  • House on Mango Street discussion board


  • House on Mango Street group discussion

Conclusion (20 minutes)

  • Kahoot


  • Students will have to read multiple excerpts from a contemporary piece of literature and demonstrate their understanding.
  • Students will have to demonstrate their understanding of vocabulary in Words of the Week and throughout content and work.
  • Students have open ended questions based on reading selections that require students to make inferences about the text and write their own thinking.


The students were very interested in this unit on The House on Mango Street. I was concerned with the level of comprehension and literacy in this class, but the students were able to complete their work at a level I was satisfied with.

One downside is that I have only been able to get one student to read aloud. There is good participation, orally and in the chat, but no interest in reading from the other students. This is likely due to low levels of literacy or students’ confidence in their reading.