
Student Marketing Activity – BMX3E

Commitment to Students and Student Learning

On the final day of my Winter 2022 placement, I lead a marketing activity where students were tasked with creating a product out of arts and crafts materials. Each team was given a forty ‘dollars’ to spend on materials to create their product. Once complete, they explained the demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioural variables of their target market.

The House on Mango Street – ENG1LX/2LX

Professional Practice

Three days of lesson plans for a MAPS English unit on The House on Mango Street. I delivered these lessons during my final week in my first practicum.

Media Literacy Quiz

Professional Practice

A quiz I created during my Fall 2021 practicum for my ENG1LX/2LX course. This quiz was the culminating assessment for a week long unit on media literacy.

Assessment – Market Research Presentations

Professional Knowledge

This was a culminating assessment I gave to my Grade 9 Intro to Business class for their marketing unit. Students had to come up with new products for an existing brand, conduct primary research through surveying, and decide which product would be most successful in the Canadian market. Students presented their pitches to the class.

Assessment – Vignette writing

Professional Knowledge

This was an assignment I gave the students for the end of our first week reading The House on Mango Street. Students were expected to write a vignette portraying a moment in their life.

Student Links Case Story: Driving Towards Friendship, Centre for Community Based Research

Leadership in Learning Communities

From May 2020-September 2021, I mentored a high school student on the Autism spectrum. Once a week, we met via Zoom and discussed our mutual interests while working towards goals for his personal development. During Fall 2021, I met with a researcher at the Centre for Community Based Research to write a case story about my mentorship.

Names have been altered for privacy; I am called ‘Blake’ in the story.

EMERGE: English Conversation Circle for LGBTQ2S Newcomers, The 519

Leadership in Learning Communities

In this volunteer role, I facilitate activity-based learning sessions and small conversation groups with participants who are looking to practice speaking English in a safe and accepting space. This role has given me the opportunity to become well-versed in accessibility and expansive language, especially in the context of LGBTQ2S people. Participants in EMERGE come from around the world; Many have resettled in Canada as LGBTQ2 refugees.

Volunteer Track Coach – Holy Names CHS

Leadership in Learning Communities

During my placement at Holy Names Catholic High School, I assisted with coaching of the Track and Field team. As an avid runner, I was elated to be able to shadow the coach and lead workouts with distance runners.