Welcome to my ePortfolio!


My name is Reem Boudali and I completed the Collaborative BScN program at the University of Windsor. Growing up, I never was sure about what I wanted to be; every time someone asked me, I always had a different answer. Though I knew I wanted to help people, I never saw myself going in the medical field because all the graphic images of blood I associated with it. When it came time in my senior year to seriously decide how I wanted to pursue my future, I realized that nursing was my true calling (as corny as it may sounds). I believe it is such a hardworking and honest profession and you truly get to help people in the most humane way possible. Even though school can be tough at times, I always get this amazing feeling that I made the right choice because I love what I learn in the classroom and in the hospital!

Aside from classes, I try to keep busy in my spare time. During my 4th year, I sat on Nursing Society as Chairperson; I led all meetings and helped mentor new members of society into their roles. I served on Nursing Society in my 3rd year as the Public Relations Coordinator where I managed our website, email, and social media pages (most notably the Instagram page) and previously served as the Philanthropy Chair in my 2nd year. I worked in the General Lab on campus as a Peer Mentor to help teach labs and assist students in practicing clinical skills. I worked under Dr. Lorna de Witt as part of the University of Windsor’s Outstanding Scholars research program, analyzing Ontario’s public reports on LTC homes in the province to find trends in medication errors made in the facilities. You can find my poster presentation from the 2021 Virtual Great Lakes Biennial Conference under the Continuing Education tab. I currently am working with Professor Rachel Elliott on an Equity Walk project within the Faculty of Nursing. A poster I presented for the 2023 UWill Discover: Sustainable Futures Conference can also be found under the Continuing Education tab.

I am a firm believer in giving back when you have been giving opportunities, which is why I mentor younger students through mentorship programs like OS and GirlUp! UWindsor. Having a role model who can answer questions and provide advice and resources was priceless for me entering University, so I like to provide the same to others. For a list of my all my extracurricular and volunteer experiences, check on my academic resume under the Résumés tab within “Resources”.

I like to vary my personal hobbies so that I gain something from each one. My high school friends and I run a media-review blog called Circle Time. The blog allows me to reflect on movies, shows, and music I have encountered and improve my writing skills by analyzing a theme presented in it. In high school, I fell in love with graphic design and video editing. Since then, I find new ways to learn new tools and skills within programs. In my senior year, my friends and I made a Avengers-style short film for our Math teacher who was going on leave. It was full of inside-jokes and exaggerated editing, but it was fun to direct and edit:

To check out some of my other graphic design work, check out my Graphic Design Portfolio under the “Resources” tab.

As you may be able to tell, I love to learn and have many new experiences. My classmates are always shocked when I volunteer for skills in clinical that no one typically wants, but I am grateful for any opportunity I get. I pride myself in doing the best that I can in whatever I do and helping those around me as well. If you’d like to learn more about me or have any questions about the content in my Portfolio, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email (boudali@uwindsor.ca).