
Highlighted here are conference presentations from the past five years related to both student success and the scholarship of teaching and learning. For a complete list, please see my CV.

Refereed Presentations

  • Krieger, M.A., & O’Neil, A.I. (2019, June). Difficult discussions in diverse classrooms: Creating safe spaces for collaborative learning. Workshop facilitated at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2019 Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  • O’Neil, A.I., Ting, T., Potter, M., Frowley, N. (2019, May). #UWINwithPALS: Promoting success through peer assisted learning sessions. Paper presented at 13th annual University of Windsor Teaching and Learning Conference: Crucial Conversations in Teaching and Learning.
  • O’Neil, A.I., Batu, M., & Hamilton, B. (2018, June). An inquiry-based approach to course refinement: Results from a large-enrolment first-year course. Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2018 Conference, Sherbrooke, Quebec.
  • Hamilton, B., O’Neil, A.I., & Batu, M. (2018, June). Adaptation and evolution: Course refinement as collective inquiry. Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2018 Conference, Sherbrooke, Quebec.
  • Fujita, N., O’Neil, A.I., Mark Lubrick, Tony Vo, Phebe Lam. (2018, June). Engaging students as partners in open and online learning at the University of Windsor. Poster presented at the International Students as Partners Institute, Hamilton, Ontario.
  • O’Neil, A.I., Biasi, M., Hamilton, B., & Baker, N. (2018, May). The syllabus scan: Purpose, Process, and Institutional Utility. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan.
  • O’Neil, A.I. (2018, February). Targeting individual differences to enhance student success. Poster presented at the 6th annual Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference, Detroit, Michigan.
  • Fujita, N. & O’Neil, A.I. (2017, October). Implementing learning analytics in higher education: A review of the literature and user perceptions. Paper presented at the 27th biannual ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Ontario.
  • Lafreniere, K.D., Craig, J.C., O’Neil, A.I., Evans, S. (2017, June). Student learning orientation, grade orientation, and approach to academic work: Motivational interviews with learning oriented vs. grade oriented students. Poster presented at the annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
  • Lafreniere, K.D., O’Neil, A.I., Craig, J., Cramer, K.M., & Menna, R. (2015, May). “Will this be on the test? Consequences of Grade Orientation in University. Poster presented at the Windsor Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference, Windsor, Ontario.
  • O’Neil, A.I., Craig, J., & Lafreniere, K.D. (2014, May). Night People Operating in a Morning Oriented World: Recommendations for Accommodating Students’ Natural Tendencies in Academic Settings. Poster presented at the Windsor Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference, Rochester, Michigan.

Invited Talk

  • Stonefish, T., O’Neil, A.I., & Craig, J. (2015, March). The Recruitment of Underrepresented Groups at Ontario Colleges: A Survey of Current Practices. Paper presented to the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario and the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, Toronto, Ontario.

Invited Panel

  • Cracking open education: An open discussion on open educational resources, practices, and pedagogies. Panel discussion at Open Education Summit 2018. Moderator: Rick Overeem, Panelists: Lena Patterson, Dave Cormier, Ashlyne O’Neil, David Simon.