Standards Of Practice

Commitment To Student Learning

As I continue to learn about how important it is for children to learn and grow. I will fully commit to using the best of my knowledge to help the children to get every chance to fully grow and develop. I will use my skills as a strong asset and be confident and stay positive as the children can learn by this and grow. Promoting student knowledge is very important because as their educator I am responsible for educating them and finding different methods of teaching to help all students. Back to my teaching philosophy quote “Every child can learn. Just not on the same day or in the same way.” (George Evans) I find that educators must find these methods to help some students who may be a visual learner or auditory learner


In my program being a strong leader is very important because by being an educator you must take on that role of being a leader for the children.  I will use my leadership skills as a strong asset. All throughout high school I was on Student Council and was an executive. I took a big role into planning event and delegating roles as well as speaking in front of large groups of people. 

Ongoing Learning

Ongoing Learning is very important because things can change every day. There are new experiments happening with children and new theories. It is also important to do research to help further your knowledge. Collaboration with other educators can help to find new content and materials that can help make lessons more engaging and help promote student learning.