12th Annual High School Social Justice Forum

On October 12th, 2017, I volunteered during the 12th Annual High School Social Justice Forum at the University of Windsor. hosted by Teachers for Global Awareness, a group whose advocates for social justice through Windsor and Essex County. The event brings together select students from high school all across Windsor and Essex County to learn more about various social justice issues and how they can encourage their respective schools to become social justice advocates.

In addition to my duties regarding set-up and take down, supervision of students, and introductions of various workshop speakers, I was also one of two volunteers responsible for coordinate the duties of the other teacher candidates, who volunteered to assist with the event, and to answer any questions that they may have had. My efforts resulted in a certification of appreciation, recognizing my participation in the event.

By volunteering during this event, I exemplified a leadership role expected of teachers. I understood the responsibilities expected of me and put forward my best effort to ensure that I upheld them in order to facilitate an event at which local high school students could learn about social justice issues and collaborate on ideas on how to advocate for social justice in our community that they could bring back to their respective schools. I even had the opportunity to share some ideas with students during their workshops and collaboration sessions. Overall, this event has allowed me to not only uphold the principles of social justice, but also those of the standards of practice outlined by the Ontario College of Teachers.