Campus Technology, obviously
I think it’s pretty obvious why Open Learning would participate in Campus Technology Day, right? (It should be.)
I’m happy to say I’ve participated every year since 2013!
The first year, our office got to introduce ourselves, which I recall was very fun but very nerve-wracking. I’d never been up in front of a room of academics, and I felt woefully unprepared. Turns out? Standing up with my team and talking about what we can do is just plain fun and I felt very supported. In 2014, the Steering Committee introduced the Pecha Kucha Lightning Round- 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, rapid fire presenters. I slid in a solid little presentation on social media in higher education, which again made me very nervous right up until the time I started presenting. To be fair, the theme in my slide deck was loosely “pictures of cats” because I was angling for the unspoken joke that the internet is made of up cat videos…so embarrassment was a quick leap.
Reflection: building these slides in PowerPoint and then bringing them into Google Slides means the structure of the slides is off. I use a lot of graphics in my slides and these get pushed and pulled around in different formats, and end up looking a little stretched here in this Google Slides version. Live and learn.
My 2015 presentation was one of my favourites. So I wrote a whole post just on that…