Go ahead and Google me. It’s probably all true.

Hi, I’m Alicia Higgison.

I have over a decade of experience in post-secondary administration and communications with the University of Windsor in the Office of Open Learning. I engage faculty and students with support for professional and curriculum development, specializing in digital citizenship and reflective practice, and provide strategic and critical communication with varied stakeholders. I have lead the development, implementation, administration, and support for UWindsor’s WordPress ePortfolio multisite system since 2013, encompassing over 7,000 users across more than 6,500 sites.

Classroom with many students that have laptops open, looking toward a teacher at the front of the room with a powerpoint behind

I have been an elected community leader Windsor and Essex County since 2018. I have represented the Town of Tecumseh’s Ward 1 as a municipal Councillor since 2022, and was previously Chairperson and Trustee of the Greater Essex County District School Board. My leadership work has been collaborative with municipal partners, and has included new school infrastructure, increasingly transparent communications, and accountability. My work is currently focused on housing, and I am the Chair of the Tecumseh Housing Advisory Panel.

Since 2023, I have been the President of Julien’s House, a registered local charitable organization providing grief and bereavement services to those experiencing loss in Windsor and Essex County.

eCampus Ontario’s Technology and Education Seminar, 2018

An accomplished speaker, I have returned twice as an experienced panelist on governance at Ontario Public School Board Association’s Public Education Symposium. I have been an invited panelist for the Ontario Public Supervisory Officers Association, to prepare future Ontario Superintendents for the governance role of administration. I’ve also presented at eCampus Ontario’s Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase, AAEEBL (Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning) and Vote To End Poverty, focused on Tackling Voter Apathy.

A graduate from the University of Windsor with an Honours B.A. in Political Science, I have returned to pursue a Masters of Education with a focus on governance structures and legislation. 

I’m a storyteller, a writer, and I make a great attempt at closing all my activity rings for the day. A mother to three daughters, I embed our family values in seeking out an excellent learning opportunity above all else. You should have engaging learning opportunities in a trustworthy environment to break things and put them back together, gaining skills, resiliency, and agency along the way.

Alicia Higgison
