Members recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.
Mental Health First Aid – November 2022
Mental health in children today has never been more important, I took it upon myself to educate myself on the signs and supports that are available to me. Nichole Roy from the Mental Health First Aid Association of Canada presented us with this information and how we can support our students in the classroom. As an educator, it is our duty to support and help students.
Aujourd’hui, la santé mentale des enfants n’a jamais été plus importante. J’ai donc pris l’initiative de m’informer sur les signes et les soutiens qui sont à ma disposition. Nichole Roy, qui travaille pour l’Association canadienne de premiers secours en santé mentale, nous a présenté ces informations et nous a expliqué comment nous pouvons aider nos élèves dans la salle de classe. En tant qu’éducateur, il est de notre devoir de soutenir et d’aider les élèves.