October 13th, 2012, the Windsor-Essex County Community Garden Collective organized a Bus Tour event where members of the community could reserve a seat on the bus that would stop to visit a number of community gardens and related sites. Special thanks goes to Michelle Legere, the United Way‘s Community Development Coordinator in Food Services who organized the event!
The final stop on the tour was the Campus Community Garden (CCGP) at the University of Windsor. The CCGP offered refreshments, live music and presentations by garden volunteers. Rita Haase, professor and garden founder welcomed guests and organized tours. University administrator, Alan Wright, was also on hand to welcome guests on behalf of the University.
A new section was added to the garden in the summer of 2012. This area is know as the Ecolot and is mostly comprised of raised beds with a drip irrigation system set up. New to gardening, volunteer Danielle claimed an allotment for her first attempt at growing her own food! It was a successful experience and she shared her story with the tour group.
An article about the event by the University of Windsor’s “Daily News”:
—>> http://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/2012-10-10/garden-tours-to-celebrate-community-fellowship
Find out more about the Campus Community Garden at the University of Windsor here:
—>> http://www.uwindsor.ca/ccgp/
—>> https://www.facebook.com/uwindsorCCGP
Find out more about the Ford City Community Garden here:
—>> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ford-City-Community-Garden/100807536642973
Find out more about the Kingsville Community Garden here:
—>> http://www.resourcenetwork.ca/page45.php
Find out more about the Windsor-Essex Community Garden Collective here:
—>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/FoodMattersWindsorEssexCounty/
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All in all this was a great event! A full day of learning, eating delicious healthy food, and meeting great people! I had a great time taking photos and can’t wait to see what the gardens look like next summer!