Samhain is an annual Gaelic festival that celebrates spirits returning back to the Earth, marking the start of the darker half of the year. Samhain is often referred as “Witches New Year.” Celebrants believe that the barrier between the physical world and the spiritual world is broken; allowing spirits to interact with humans. Some people celebrate Samhain by performing Witchcraft, where others celebrate Samhain through parties, feasts and festivals with traditional food and drink. In the ancient days of Samhain it was a mandatory three day celebration where failure to participate resulted in punishment from the Gods. The Priests and the community would light a fire to a wheel which was used to represent a sun while they chanted prayers. In the 21st century, it is not mandatory to participate and the celebration starts on October 31st-November 1st when the spirits are believed to cross the border between the two worlds. Samhain is mainly celebrated in Scotland, Ireland and some parts of Britain. In North America, Samhain is celebrated more like Halloween.
Halloween and Samhain
Halloween is based off of Samhain and has many similar traditions. Celebrations and decorations for these holidays can include Jack-o-lanterns and apple bobbing. They both wear costumes and share candy (like trick or treating) to either disguise or celebrate the spirits that have returned back to Earth. Both of these holidays are celebrated annually on October 31. Samhain is celebrated more in parts of Europe, whereas Halloween is celebrated more in parts of North America.

The Samhain festival includes fire dances, preaching of the Samhain prayer (to welcome and invite their ancestors to Earth), and having a large feast called Dumb Supper.
Dumb Supper – a feast that is put on to celebrate and welcome the wanted spirits. Dumb Supper is for everyone, including witches, to “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die” (Heron, 2017). Therefore, there is usually an extra table setting for the spirits to join them during their feast. The Dumb Supper uses Kitchen Witch foods and items to celebrate Samhain. Some Kitchen Witch foods made for Dumb Supper are:
- Apples- because they represent immortality. Used for bobbing apples, an event that takes place during Samhain.
- Pumpkins– because they can be carved into Jack-o-lanterns to tell the spirit’s not to enter these homes.
- Rosemary– because it is a multipurpose fully plant. It is used to rid negative energies while also welcoming the dead. Rosemary is often used in the Samhain bread and other Samhain recipes.
- Samhain bread– it is said if you burn the bread, you will have a bad year. Samhain bread is often put out on October 31st at feast tables or on doorsteps as a present for the dead coming back to Earth.
The Samhain bread is one of the most significant items for a Samhain celebration and can be made many different ways. The most popular being the traditional bread alongside the most recent addition of pumpkin Samhain bread.
Traditional Samhain bread Pumpkin Samhain bread
Samhain Prayer
The Samhain prayer, is chanted during feasts and festivals mainly on October 30th, the night prior to Samhain. This prayer is to properly show the spirits that they are welcome to cross the barrier of the spiritual world and physical world to come visit them on Earth.
The prayer is asking the dead to visit the real world.
Although Samhain has many similarities to Halloween-type traditions, it is not meant to be a scary idea. Samhain is a fun festival that is celebrated in Scotland and some parts of Britain. It is a day where people celebrate the death of their loved ones and ancestors, while showing them their thanks.