Why Do I Want an ePortfolio?

ePortfolios (electronic portfolios) began as a forward-thinking way to track learning outcomes, reflective learning and organize student assignments and progress.

Instructors can use the UWindsor branded ePortfolios as a way for students to present their work in an experiential way. Some instructors are setting up class blogs, where students are each required to contribute to a collaborative project. Still others are choosing to select exceptional posts from individual ePortfolios to feature on a class blog. In absence of a class blog, instructors can follow the progress on students’ individual ePortfolios for specific assignments and learning outcomes.

Students have found it a useful tool to present their work in a way that is both organized and unique to them. Not only can you satisfy your course requirements,  but this ePortfolio can follow you well passed your first course. Students are encouraged to pick a name for their ePortfolio which reflects them as a person and not the single course they are originally signing up for. It is intended to follow you through your school journey, documenting your learning, your reflections, your progress and your success. If a future boss were to google you (it happens, trust me), think of them finding this particular ePortfolio and how you want yourself presented.

computer desk with chair, laptop and webcam

In short, ePortfolios in the short term are a new and customizable way to present your core course assignments. In the longer term, they can be viewed as a digital alternative to a resume. With everything creating your digital footprint online, having an ePortfolio can round out your online life with a more professional and organized vision of your potential.

What to have for your ePortfolio, list