Independent Project – Inner Demons

“Inner Demons” means something different to everyone, but doing research on this project has shown me that a lot of people with mental illnesses have represented their “inner demons” in a similar way.

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black dog inside



← Click for a short video on Depression

The “Demons” are always somehow connected back to their “host.” Knowing that this art is about mental illnesses, I interpret that the connection represents a sense-of-self. According to, illness is defined as  “a condition of being unhealthy in your body or mind or a specific condition that prevents your body or mind from working normally : a sickness or disease.” Even though it is an illness, if people have suffered from it long enough, it starts to become a part of how they define themselves as an individual. The diagnosis, and its “inner demons” that accompany it, become just another defining feature for that person.


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Hi. My name is Stephanie. I have brown eyes, I grew up in Port Stanley, Ontario, and I have ADHD, Bipolar II Disorder, Social Anxiety, and Depression. These mental illnesses affect my life everyday and dealing with the difficulties they cause has become a part of my daily routine. It is a constant battle to tame the demons and make them manageable and there are good days and there are bad days. I would not be me if I did not have these mental illnesses.


Click image for “Real Monsters” – Mental illness brought to life

social anxiety monster





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