I had to clean plaster out of my torso because it was half full. Then I made the plaster bandage mold of my hands flat and then once they were wax, I used an hot Xacto knife to slice the fingers and wrist so I could bend them.
I got the wax hands ready for the plaster mold and the kiln by adding sprues and vents. Then I made the plaster mold around the wax hands. Once I had the metal hands out of the mold, I had to cut off the sprues and vents and fix up any flashing.
I also had been working on the torso. I had to flatten the bottom so that it would sit flat, cut back the edge of the top inside so there wasn’t an overhang and smooth the inside to make it even around.
When both the torso and hands were done I had to attach them somehow. Dan helped me attach the hands by drilling 2 holes through the torso where I wanted the hands and then I held the hands over the holes and marked, from the inside of the torso, where to drill on the hands. Then he drilled into the hands and put a bolt in each hand. We bolted the hands to the torso.
I made a fake bottom for the pills to sit on because I did not have enough to fill the torso. I had 12 different kinds of pills that were different shapes, sizes and colours.
Click for the final sculpture